Media Kit and Logos
You found this page! That means you might be interested in partnering on a collaboration which is great and I appreciate you taking the time to investigate. This page has links to my media kit, logos, and social media.
Media Kit

My media kit includes a short about me, my instagram analytics, brands I've worked with, and some branding guidelines I try to follow. I'll be updating the media kit to include analytics from my website soon.
My media kit can be downloaded from Google Drive, here!
I have two logos, the coffee cup infront of the rainbow, and my main profile picture. Both can be downloaded from Google Drive, here!

Social Media links
The links are ordered from most used by me to least used by me. I make to post at least twice a week on Instagram and go live once a week on Twitch. YouTube and TikTok I am not consistent on, but I will improve that soon.
- Instagram:
- Twitch:
- YouTube:
- TikTok: